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Jing-jin Technology Valley

Updated : 2023-06-02


Jing-jin Technology Valley (JJTV) is a demonstration industrial park and a high-tech industrial development zone in Tianjin, China. It is recognized as a national Torch Program materials industry base and a national base for small business startups. The park covers a planned area of 34 square kilometers, with a built-up area of 11.43 square kilometers. 

Its main industries include intelligent technology, new materials, energy conservation and environmental protection, medical and health, and modern services. Currently, it has attracted more than 2,200 companies, including renowned enterprises from the United States, Canada, Germany, Sweden, and domestic enterprises. The park aims to leverage the geographical advantage of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and its abundant scientific and technological resources to establish a R&D and industrialization base for high-tech enterprises. It intends to create a demonstration zone for the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, and build a modern ecological science and technology new city.

1. Location and transportation advantages

JJTV is situated in the core areas of Beijing, Tianjin, and Xiong'an New Area. It is located 100 kilometers from Beijing Capital International Airport, 80 kilometers from Beijing Daxing International Airport, 30 kilometers from Tianjin Binhai International Airport, 88 kilometers from Xiong'an New Area, and 10 kilometers from the Beijing-Tianjin Intercity Railway Station in Wuqing district. The park is well-connected by the Beijing–Shanghai Expressway, Beijing–Taipei Expressway, and Binhai New Area-Baoding Expressway, with convenient access points. It is also traversed by National Highway 104 and the Tianjin-Yongqing Highway. Additionally, it is in close proximity to National Highway 112, the Tianjin Outer Ring Road, and Chagugang Railway Station on Beijing-Kowloon Railway's Tianjin-Bazhou line. The park benefits from convenient transportation and low logistics costs.

2. Industrial advantages

JJTV and its surrounding areas are home to over 300 Fortune 500 companies, as well as more than 60 central enterprises. There are also tens of thousands of high-tech enterprises with significant development potential. This has created a vibrant atmosphere for development and a complete industrial chain with strong compatibility among enterprises.

3. Talent advantages

JJTV is surrounded by 130 higher education institutions, producing over 300,000 graduates annually. There are also thousands of research institutes generating tens of thousands of industrialized technological achievements each year. Innovation hubs like Zhongguancun inject tremendous momentum into the development of science and technology enterprises.


4. Policy advantages

JJTV provides financial support policies, technology policies, talent introduction policies, financing support policies, and policies for nurturing emerging enterprises, all aimed at fully supporting the development of enterprises.

5. Jing-jin Technology Valley Accelerator

The park adopts a model of "incubation base + transformation base + industrialization base" to serve technology-based enterprises at different stages of entrepreneurship, growth, and industrialization.

6. Service

The park has a citizen service center, a "one-stop" talent service center, an administrative licensing service center, inspection and quarantine bureaus, and the only export supervision warehouse in Tianjin Customs District. The park has an independent administrative service center to provide more convenient and efficient services to enterprises.

7. Living

To meet the development needs of modern manufacturing and modern service industries, the park and its surrounding areas have established comprehensive supporting facilities for catering, accommodation, shopping, leisure, entertainment, culture, education, healthcare, and other services.

8. Amenity

The park provides well-equipped and affordable blue-collar apartments, and operates free shuttle buses between the park, downtown Tianjin and Wuqing District. Various types of meals are also provided for employees.